

Ali & Lockwood LLP Ali & Lockwood LLP

Suit to end solitary confinement gains plaintiffs (VA Public Radio Interview)

A federal judge has cleared the way for hundreds of prisoners in Virginia to join a suit against the state over a practice that international guidelines consider torture – holding inmates in solitary confinement for more than 15 days. Attorney Katie Ali joins two other D.C. law firms and the ACLU of Virginia in fighting the practice that has been shown to cause symptoms of mental illness.

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Ali & Lockwood LLP Ali & Lockwood LLP

Why More Young Attorneys Are Striking Out On Their Own (Law360)

Law360 reports on the rise of mission-driven firms, including Ali & Lockwood LLP. “It was really mission-driven from the start,” Liz Lockwood said of Ali & Lockwood LLP. “It’s not like we said, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be great to just practice on our own?’ It was really, how can we create the space to do this work? And so that is what led us to taking the leap.”

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Ali & Lockwood LLP Ali & Lockwood LLP

Ex-Hogan Lovells Attorneys Start Civil Rights Boutique In DC (Law360)

A partner and senior associate from Hogan Lovells have launched a boutique practice in Washington, D.C., focused on civil rights law, to take on police misconduct, wrongful conviction and other litigation.

Katie Ali and Liz Lockwood have launched their firm, Ali & Lockwood LLP, which along with tackling civil rights litigation will also handle some complex commercial litigation.

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